My Rainbow is thiiiissss BIG...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 2, 2011

AF where are you!?!

Okay this is getting annoying now!  Here I am, Not Pregnant, and waiting around for AF to show and she's late!  WTH?  This is really upsetting the balance of the force, I mean my charts.  Now granted, I only have two full charts under my belt at this point, last cycle (March) and this cycle (April, which will be completed once you know who shows up), so I still don't have a whole lot of charting to go by, especially considering the fact that last cycle's LP count was messed up thanks to me being in the hospital and missing two crucial temps.  But, even then, my LP for last cycle could not exceed 14days.  Well, today is day 14, so that means if AF doesn't show today my LP's won't match, which I'm pretty sure is impossible.  Needless to say, this ticks me off royally, cause I spend so much time and effort on doing these dumb charts, so if they're not going to be accurate it's pointless to even do them!  Can I get a big "UGH!"?  HOPEFULLY, I'm jumping the gun on the LP issue and AF will show before the day's over.  The sooner AF comes and goes the sooner I can get on with TTC!
I have signs of AF, but no blood!  My bb's have started to become somewhat sore, I'm feeling very light cramping and I had a huge temp drop, below my coverline, this morning, which all add up to where is she???  If anyone sees her, could you please tell her to come on already, Rachel is, not so patiently, waiting for her?!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! "UGH!!!!" how annoying is right,!!!!! I hope she shows up soon, so your charts match and you can move on from this!! praying for you!!
