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Thursday, May 5, 2011

The "May" Plan

I am on CD4, AF's fury is calming and I'm gathering my thoughts and plans for my next fertile window.  My next fertile window will begin in 12 days with EOD 19 days away, which would make one whole week of TTC Fun! :-)  Okay, so here's the plan:

Monday, May 16th: Begin using OPK's
Tuesday, May 17th: OPK/ Begin DTD every other night til O weekend
Wednesday, May 18th: OPK
Thursday, May 19th: OPK/ DTD
Friday, May 20th: OPK
Saturday, May 21st: OPK/DTD/Start Mucinex to get the juices flowing :-)
Sunday, May 22nd: OPK/DTD/Mucinex/Preseed (if needed)
Monday, May 23rd: If I did not O on Sun....OPK/DTD (if I'm lucky)..if I do not O til this day I will likely skip DTD on Sunday and DTD on Monday instead.

This plan should be more than efficient for eggie to meet spermie, NOW whether they will successfully make a love connection is not in my keeping my fingers crossed and prayers lifted for a BFP in May!
*Interesting little tidbit found at* My best chance of conceiving a girl will be on Tuesday & Thursday.  My best chance of conceiving a boy will be on Saturday-Monday.


  1. I will continue to be praying for you all month!!!! seems like you have a good game plan, and your absolutely right, its in his timing. Baby dust to you:)

  2. Well..that plan went down the toilet. It went more like this:

    CD14: + OPK/BD
    CD15: + OPK
    CD16: + OPK @ 1am & - OPK @ 3pm

