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Monday, May 16, 2011

And the Fertile Window Craziness has begun...

So, instead of waiting til today (Monday), like I said I would, to start using my OPK's for this cycle, I decided to use one last night (late, around 10pm).  I had checked my CP and thought it seemed fairly open, then I got a little EWCM, so figured, what the heck, I'll go ahead and use one.  Well, guess what I should see to my shock and amazement, but a very clear, and strong + GREAT, so here we go!...According to my last 2 cycles, I am not due to actually O til Sun./Mon., a whole week away!  Last cycle I got, what looked to be, but not as strong as last nights, a + on CD11.  I actually O'ed (confirmed with BBT) on CD21, so 10 days way to early to be getting anything close to a +.  I continued testing that week and they did go back to negative then geared up to positive up to CD21, getting a true + on CD20. 

Yesterday was CD14 and expected O is CD21, so a + one week early?  Why is this happening, I have no idea! But, I do have a theory... I'm wondering if my body is trying to O, according to a normal 28day cycle, but for some reason, it's not happening and then a week later I finally do. (?)  So, far, that is appearing to be the case.  As far as last night's + OPK, I'm unsure as to whether to take it as a fluke or truth yet.  My temp did go up this morning, but not drastically or even PostO temp worthy.  If my temp rises significantly tomorrow morning, I can only assume I O'ed a week early. Good grief, I hope not!  We did BD CD12 & CD14, but I was planning on a whole lot more than that.  If my theory is correct and I can expect these kind of flukes, which only time will tell, then I should still be on schedule for my O at the end of the week and can still count on my plan.

I'm going to use another OPK tonight, but really my temp will tell the story in the morning.  So, until I know any different the "May Plan" is still in effect.  I have decided to forgo the pineapple and just use the baby aspirin instead, it just seems easier and supposedly they function the same, as a blood thinner, good for implantation. 

And let me just add, with all this OPK craziness, I am SO EXTREMELY glad I am temping! I would be SO lost, if not!  Can you imagine?! I would have believed I O'ed when I hadn't and possibly missed my true O timing!  Oh the Horror of a thought!  Stay tuned for more TTC fun! LOL!

Pic of my Early OPK positive on CD14, now is that confusing or what?!

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