My Rainbow is thiiiissss BIG...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1st Prenatal Visit went FAB! @ 6w4d

I'm so happy, I got to see my little butter bean again today...looking great, nice and healthy and strong with a HB of 130bpm!  I had a regular first check up: Blood work (6 vials..yuck); pelvic exam; pap smear; breast exam; weight check; blood pressure; urinalysis, and the ultrasound.  I love my doctor's office u/s room and the tech is the sweetest!  Scott and the boys went with me and were all able to go into the u/s room and see the baby on the big screen!  She took her time and pointed everything out to them, we got to hear the HB, then she printed each of the boys out their own pic of the baby. Awwww.... *smile*. 
The doctor said she was just going to keep an eye on my cysts for now.  She said most times pre-existing cysts will "balloon" during pregnancy then go away on their own.  The smaller cyst on my right had actually gone down some and the bigger one looked the same.  I go back in 4 wks, I'll be 10wks then, and I'll get another u/s (YAY!).  I should be able to hear the heartbeat with the fetal Doppler as well.  I'm thinking about renting my own too, so I can listen anytime I want.  They do those really cool 3 & 4D u/s at my doc's office but they're like $225 don't know about that, but that would be really cool! 
I'm so glad my appt went well today and my little Rainbow is growing!


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