Why Oh Why can't I have nice, little, easy-to-read, NON-Confusing Cycles??!! Here's what's happening in my May Cycle world:
This is the 3rd complete cycle I've been able to chart (well, not yet complete with this one). The 2 previous cycles lasted about (give or take a day) the same length from start to finish about 33-34 days. The Luteal Phase lasted about the same length as well, about 13-14 days, with Ovulation being on 20-21CD. Last cycle (cycle #3), I introduced OPK's to the scene and started them way early on CD10, all tests lined up accordingly with the cycle and temp chart, negative readings until CD20. Seemed like I had some pretty solid evidence for what my cycles were like these days, right? Not quite!
This cycle (#4) started out well and appeared would end up like all the others, based on my last cycles, I was ready and prepared, had it all planned out (scroll down to "The May Plan" entry, you can see for yourself). I had my OPK's ready to roll and figured, since I could pretty much pinpoint O (based on past cycles), I wouldn't waste any by using them early, I'd just wait til about CD15, that should be early enough. Well, we all know (because of the last couple of entries), I was surprised to see a bright and shinning POSITIVE reading on CD14! I did notice a very little EWCM that night, but how could I be Oing a week early?! My temps continued to remain pre-O worthy, so after 3 more positive tests on CD14 & 15, I assumed they had to be false, maybe I was having a surge of LH for whatever reason, but I couldn't possibly be releasing an egg. CD 16 I finally got a negative, but my temps did seem to be on a slow rise. My cervix still felt Med/Med/Med and my CM had gone back to sticky/creamy. CD18 I woke up and temp'ed and got a 97.2...whoa...what?! My temp has never gone above 97 until
after an O! I temp'ed again right away, my nose was kind of stuffy and I thought maybe I was putting to much mouth heat on the thermo., my next temp came up a 96.9, still high, but still low enough to be considered (for me) pre-O. I made a note of the higher temp, but went ahead and charted the lower, which made more sense. Again, I tested negative on OPK. Today is CD19 I woke up with a temp of 97.2 AGAIN! And again I re-tested quickly, which came back with a 97.3, so there was no way I could ignore the high temp. When I got up and went to the restroom I noticed EWCM. I also seem to be High/Soft/Open, but with a negative OPK. So, here I am, 2 days away from when I was Planning on Oing and things just aren't adding up! I'm continuing with the "May Plan", just in case I am still to O, but it appears, I may have O'ed already! So, what am I left with after my fertile week of gathering info? A BIG Mess! At this point, I don't know if I'm 5dpo OR on the verge of O! And to add to all the excitement my bb's have been achey today and I've been feeling the need to pee alot and have been exrta sleepy the past couple of days. So, now I don't know whether to pee on a OPK or pee on a HPT! lol.. (funny, but not really). All I can do is continue to gather my info. til AF (hoping she doesn't arrive, of course), then sit back and try to figure out the big picture. My temps will continue to clue me in everyday, they will either continue to stay above 97 or not.
I'm glad I caught my early + OPK when I did, but did not get to BD as much as I would've liked, but hopefully it was enough. I will continue with my plan for this weekend, just in case. I've already taken my Mucinex and am planning on BDing tonight (Friday) and Sunday.
Thankfully, I even have all this info. to go by, but it's sure not going to do me much good if I have cycles all over the place and can't rely on a set one.
I'm kinda bummed, I don't like feeling confused, but excited at the same time, I'm interested in seeing how this cycle eventually turns out....a BFP on a HPT would be a GREAT ending! Stay tuned....