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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ovulation Day!

It's CD19 and I'm Ovulating today!  I had + OPK's CD17 & 18 and a - today, which can only mean my surge is over and has done it's job.  My corpus luteum that released my egg should be dying today which should give me a rise in temp in the morning, then I'll officially be in my 2WW!!  Girl has been learning a little sumt'n sumt'n! ;-)  Of course my O has been happening unpredictably every cycle, which makes BDing perfectly very hard to do.  But, I think I did a pretty good job this cycle, even though there's always a wish you could've DTD a couple more times, but I tried to stick to my schedule! 

I began BDing EOD starting on CD13, 15, 17...then when I got my + OPK on CD17 I was able to begin BDing ED and got some action in on CD18 as well...yay me!  That will probably be a wrap on the BDing for this fertile window, so hopefully that did the trick!  BD 3 nights in a row for me and DH is pushing it.  That's BD on Day 6,4,2 &1 leading up to O!  I am hopeful for this cycle, but now only time will tell.  I plan on starting the Pine.Core tomorrow and eating it ED up until 5dpo. (Sun.-Wed), then I will begin testing 10dpo/CD28/Mon. 27th.  KMFX'ed for a BFP!!!  (EDD: March 10, 2012) Stay tuned....

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