Not much going on at the moment...I'm currently on CD12. I'm unsure whether my O will be early or not, so I'm unsure if I'm currently within my fertile window. Just in case, I will keep with my June Plan BDing schedule, which I don't think is going to be a problem making happen. I started OPK's earlier on CD11 (yesterday), I would just rather be safe than sorry. Right now they are neg., CM is Sticky, and CP is LFC (low-firm-closed), which are all signs that O is still a ways away, which is good, it won't sneak up on me this time! So far, my cycle has been great, no abnormal bleeding or spotting, temps look good and steady, in fact they look the best, this cycle, yet; no erratic up and downs.
I've been spending lots of time online looking for a GOOD Prenatal and have been very frustrated trying to find exactly what I'm looking for. I would like to find one that is: 1. All natural, organic, Kosher (no synthetics and NO PABA which is very toxic) 2. Has enough of all the recommended Vitamins and Minerals I should be taking without having to do any supplementing. 3. Is preferably ONE a day and Not 3, 4, and yes I've even seen 6 a day! 4. INEXPENSIVE! So, believe it or not vitamins that meet this criteria are either VERY hard to find or I'm just not looking in the right place. So, my search continues...I'm going to check some Health Food stores near me soon also.
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