Cycle 7 has not proven to be lucky or not, yet, but it sure has proven to be my most confusing charted cycle yet! It all started on CD15 when I was shocked to get an early + OPK, thank goodness I started my OPKs early! I was excited that I was going to O earlier this cycle! Although I clearly had my + OPK, I still felt my CM was there, but CP wasn't quite Soft & Open yet. This cycle I had wanted to make sure we BDed on the day of O, so figuring since I normally have two days of +'s before I O, we could start BD CD15, skip a day and BD again on O day. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! I had two +'s CD15 & CD16 and was able to BD both days. On CD17, before I could even OPK again, I noticed my morning temp had risen to Post-O status! I figured I O'ed on CD16 and was elated because I had BDed on O day and the day before, perfect! Everything was looking great until the morning of CD18 to find my temp had drastically dropped way below my cover line back to Pre-O temps, this had never happened to me before. Had I not really O'ed yet, was this a weird, fall-back temp, what was going on?? I decided to use another OPK that afternoon just to see what it would say and lo and behold it was another +! Not only that, my CM/CP were the most fertile yet! WTHeck!? And to make matters worse, I was unable to BD that night (thanks to my moody/tired husband). I thought, well, if I haven't O'ed yet, then maybe tomorrow's OPK will be neg. and I will O that day and try to BD that day as well. Thankfully, the next day (CD19) brought a negative OPK with fertile CM/CP and BD, BUT my temp had spiked back up to Post-O temps. My temps have sustained Post-O temps since then, I am currently CD22. So now to get to how many DPO I am, well, that's the problem! Thanks to my crazy signs and temps, I have no idea exactly.
1.) I either O'ed on CD16, which means I BDed on O day and day before (which would be great) and I'm 6dpo.
2.) I O'ed on the day of my temp dip CD18, which means BD timing would suck, having done it 2 & 3 days prior to O, but still not impossible. And would make me 4dpo.
3.) I O'ed on the day of my neg. OPK after my + (like I usually do) on CD19, with my temp sustained above that temp, which would again be great with BD on O day and BD also on days 3 & 4 prior to O, this would make me 3dpo.
So, as you can see, I have no idea how many dpo I am at this point, but I can figure at least anywhere from 3-6! All in all the BD timing would still work for all scenarios, better for some them others. So, here I sit in a very confusing 2WW and praying it pays off with a nice BFP!!
So far, I've had the normal Progesterone induced sore bb's, but I have had some unusual light cramping the past few days and I'm hoping that's a good sign. I plan on testing in one week,( Wed., Sept. 7th) I will be either 10-13dpo and should be able to get a reliable result by then. Hoping this crazy cycle still turns out to be my lucky one!
Praying for you girl!!