All looks great with my little one! HB nice and high at 183bpm and moving all around, it actually made us all laugh, including the tech, she was like wow look how cute! Measuring right on target and growing strong! YAY!
One minor issue though with me. They noticed in my bloodwork that I have certain Antibodies in my red blood cells and if the baby doesn't have these my body may see the baby as a potential harm. It's worse than it sounds, and I really don't know how to explain it all that well cause it's still kinda of confusing for me. But, I had this same situation with Jared during my last pregnancy. And so it will most likely be the same experience. I have been referred to a high risk specialist called a Perinatologist (sp?). He will monitor both me and baby closely and make sure we continue to do well. I will also be seeing my OB as well. She took another blood sample today to see if the antibodies has increased or are remaining stabilized. The worst this could do to baby is cause it to be anemic or in the worst case need a blood transfusion, but she doubts it will get that serious. All I can do is pray that it won't. She said it was good that I had this same issue with my last son and this isn't a new problem. So, I'm confident I'm in good hands and all will be well. The bright side is I'll get lots of extra u/s's.. :-) Although, I had this issue with my last pregnancy, it never interfered with my baby, so hopefully this will just go the same. I meet with my specialist on Dec. 12th and again with my doc for my next appt. on the 20th. Oh, and good news the cysts on my ovaries are dissolving! whew!
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