Why oh Why do I always have to get the crap scared out of me when I'm PG?! I went out with a friend last night to a homeschooling event and got home around 10pm. I went to the bathroom and noticed some light brown spotting in my underwear and again when I wiped. With the fear of the MC still lingering I figured I better be safe than sorry and go get myself checked out. So, around 10pm me, Scott and the boys piled into the car and heading to EJ Hospital Emergency room. They took a blood and urine sample, and also did a pelvic exam. The attending ER doc, said everything appeared to look okay, he saw no red blood. Afterwards, I had a transvaginal u/s in which I was able to see my little sweetie's heartbeat for the first time *smile**tear*. The baby looked great and measured right on time around 6wks3days with an EDD of June 13th, with a heartbeat of 129. The u/s tech checked everything else out in there and noticed a nice size (about 3cm) cyst on my left ovary, which she said was normal and most likely the corpus luteum from the pregnancy. She wasn't able to view the right ovary, so she switched to the regular, on top of the stomach u/s probe. She was able to find a very large cyst on that ovary. Back in Feb. when I had a hospital stay for horrible pain in my abdomen, they did a CAT scan in which they saw the same cyst but at that time it only measured about 4cm. Normally, they do not like to see a cyst get over 5cm. My doc and I both assumed, and hoped, it would resolve itself like most cysts do. Well, that same cyst has increased in size to 5.5cm. I was discharged shortly after with orders for bed rest and to follow up with my doctor. My dear family ended up trying to sleep in the car in the parking lot and we ended up finally getting home around 3am. I have not had any cramping at all, and the spotting has seemed to lighten up even more, to barely even visible. All appears to be well as of right now...little to know spotting (brown blood at that), no cramping or pain, baby looks good and strong. So, thank Father! Now, I just have to hope and pray this cyst issue will be resolved quickly and easily and will not affect my pregnancy in any harmful way. I have my first Prenatal appt. this Tues, but will be calling my nurse Monday to alert her of everything that has gone on. AFM, I will be bed bound the rest of the weekend and will continue to be praying for a very healthy and strong pregnancy. Hopefully this first trimester will go by very quickly and no more scary situations will arise!
P.S. We had to tell the boys last night that "Mommy has a baby in her belly", before we left to got to the hospital so they could understand what was going on. They are really excited. We prayed together before we left and were relieved to hear the good news that baby looks good. They were real troopers at the hospital and waited for me very patiently. I love my boys, they are such a blessing!
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