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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lucky Cycle 7??

New Cycle = New Plan!  This is going to be kinda tricky this month, only because my cycles have been like a box of chocolates..I never know what I'm going to get! Hahaha...thank you Forrest Gump!  So, in my past cycle history I've had quite a range in O times, ranging anywhere from CD17-CD25!  That's a difference of 9 days (over a week), people!!  Doesn't make for easy planning, for sure!  So, what's a TTC girl to do?  I'll have to shoot for an average within the range and XMF's I hit the nail on the head.  My average O time is CD20, so I will go with that, give or take a few days in either direction...Thank God for OPK's, that's all I can say.  One thing, I'm going to strive to do this cycle that hasn't been done before is to BD On the Day of O AND Day After, this would be the best way to "seal the deal", in my puny, human efforts anyway.  So, here goes the Plan for August Cycle....
CD14 (8/24) - Start OPK's, and continue to use, each day, til +
CD17 (8/27) - Begin BD EOD, till + OPK
Once I get my + OPK I will BD on the day it goes back to - (this is typically my O day), and then BD again the following day (for insurance).

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