My plans to wait and tell DH went up in smoke last night when he finagled the news outta me. :-( As you know, I'm really nervous this go round, so I'm really not wanting to "rock the boat" so to speak right now *clears*. I knew me not wanting to oblige would eventually be a problem and send up a red flag for him. Well, last night the conversation came around and I had to fess up, he knew something was up. Of, course I got the same ole reaction I've gotten in the past with all my baby news...SHOCK. But, he wasn't upset, he was surprised I'd been keeping it from him and wanted to know all the details he'd missed. We joked about it being a girl and his comment was, "That would be a whole new ballgame" And he's right about that. lol... I am a little disappointed I couldn't share the news in the special way I had planned, but I am relieved that now he knows and he'll be able to understand why I've been so tired and why I don't want to DTD right now. I'm still going to wait to share the news with everyone else, for a while, and I'll still get my kicks telling them. :-)
Can't believe I have a little baby in my belly!! I'm so happy!
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