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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

34 week Appt

Well, I had an enlightening appt today with Dr. Allison.  First, all is still looking wonderful with baby, HB in the high 140's, weight and measurements on target.  I did mention to her the occasional cramping and cervical pressure and she did check my cervix.  The cervix is still high and closed, so that's good.  She said the baby's head is right there pushing down on it, which explains the occasional pressure.  I figured that's what it was and glad that's all it is.

Next, we talked about the cyst, she finally got the reports back from Dr. Miller.  She said it is roughly about the size of a softball, so not little in the least.  She said she is going to try to remove it during the section (which is good), but she wants me to be prepared with the fact that she MAY end up having to remove the whole ovary, depending on what things look like when she gets in there.  I thought that might be a possibility, but it seemed more of a likelihood when she said it and they greatly saddens me.  She really does think the cyst is harmless and if so might be easier to dissect while maintaining as much ovary tissue as she can.  She did say if the cyst looks suspicious (tumor-like), it would be best to remove the ovary so she could get the complete cyst out for testing.  Once the cyst is removed it will be sent to pathology for testing, then we will know where to go from there.  Either it will be harmless and out of my abdomen, so essentially done with it.  Or if it comes back proving to be cancerous in any way I will have to see a Gynecologist to see what the next plan of action would be.  I hate to even think in that direction, but at this point it is a possibility and it really scares me.  I pray I do not have cancer in my body, I pray the cyst is harmless and can be removed while preserving my ovary, I pray my uterus will be spared from any future complications and remain intact and fully functioning.  I pray I can keep a positive outlook until things are more certain and not allow any fear and anxiety to overcome me. 

My next u/s is next Monday, then I'll see Dr. Stewart again in 2wks, then every week thereafter.


  1. I agree w/you in all prayers. I am thinking its possibly scar tissue from the tubal pregnancy, and benign. Nothing more, nothing less. I am believing all will go perfectly well. I refuse to believe there's anything wrong w/your beautiful body, inside and out. I do not receive any reports of any possible "negative" outcome from this precious pregnancy. I love you & cannot imagine my world w/o you in it, or for Scott & your sons, or anyone who loves you w/all their hearts, like we each NOT have you here w/us, growing older day by beautiful day, "Together"....its Yahweh's will for us all to have a long happy healthy life! This is why Jett's sp perfect! And so are you my Lovely Daughter xoxoxox
    Happy mommy's day, everyday!

    1. Aww..thanks, mom! I know I can always count on you to be my number one cheerleader, always thinking positive and always supporting me with prayers. I'm blessed to have a mother like you.

      Happy Mommy's Day to you as well! Wish we were together (as usual). It won't be long and we'll be together again, celebrating Jett's birthday!
