My Rainbow is thiiiissss BIG...

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

duh duh duh...the dreaded BFN (AGAIN)

Knocked down (again) for the the 6th time...BUT not out for the count.  I'm sad that I am still on this emotional, roller-coaster of a journey, but have not lost perspective or hope of seeing my efforts and prayers become a soon reality.  I know that Father's timing is perfect and I have the patience I need to endure the wait.  As my 2WW drew near to the end, I had a feeling I would not be seeing my bfp at the end of it.  I do realize that every pregnancy and the signs and symptoms of each one can be different each time, but there are specific things I usually do notice before each of my pregnancies, and I have not noticed anything out of the norm of normal progesterone symptoms.  Today I am 10dpo and I anticipate a visit from AF in a few days.

I am already looking forward to trying a new BD schedule next cycle, cycle 7!  7 is a very Lucky number and hopefully will bring me LOTS of baby luck!  Although each unsuccessful cycle that passes is a major let down, I am gaining a great deal just in the experience alone which I am very appreciative for.  I am thoroughly enjoying charting and temping and getting to know my body and how it works; I have become very educated and informed as far as my body, supplements, vitamins, VBAMC's, and best of all have been connected to some of the sweetest women I've ever known, they have been my rock during this journey and I wouldn't want to do this without them!

My goals before the end of this year are as follows:

1.  Become Pregnant!
2.  Sell our Home and Move to a Bigger one.
3.  Do well in school and make excellent grades.

I have all the Faith in the world that I will meet these goals!
~Stay tuned for August's Cycle 7 Baby Plan.............

1 comment:


    Although the house has not and will likely not sell before the end of 2011, I have reached 2 out of my 3 goals!

    Did VERY Well in school, straight A's!

    Not bad.
