My Rainbow is thiiiissss BIG...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 26, 2012


The 28th week and beginning of the last trimester has been reached!  WOO HOO! Such an exciting time and it's quickly coming to the big finale when baby boy is born!  At this moment, I have 74 days and counting!  I'm feeling pretty good.  I've been suffering from immense pain in my tailbone area for the past few months, mainly when I'm sitting on harder surfaces that put alot of pressure on that area.  It seems there will be no escaping this though, I will just have to deal best I can til he's born.  Other than that, the other symptoms that have stayed with me pretty much throughout are still around...constipation, heartburn, round ligament pain and still occasionally nausea and light-headedness.  I've been dealing with these pretty well though.  Baby and belly are growing ever bigger.  His little kicks and punches are becoming more frequent and much stronger.  Sometimes it feels like he's going to push right through my skin!  This past Saturday I treated myself to a lovely, 75-min, prenatal massage!  It was heavenly, I enjoyed it thoroughly!  Then Sunday we spent a beautiful day in MS with our family there, we had a good time. 

Me & My Love 

                                                           My Precious Family of SIX!

My shower is less than 4 wks away now.  Next week I'll be sending out the invites, ordering my cupcakes, and continuing to pick things up here and there.  As much as I'm looking forward to it, I'll be relieved when it's over and I can finish preparing for Jett's arrival and just focus on my last moments of pregnancy and the big D-day!  My fam and I will be doing a maternity shoot that weekend as well, that's going to be fun, I'm looking forward to it.
This week I have my regular OB check-up.  I'm not sure what she's going to say about the anemia, if she'll want to put me on something or not.  I'm glad I can finally tell them I have chosen my Pediatrician too.  I'm sure the appt will be pretty quick and routine.  Will update later.

Here's what's going on with my lil peanut this week:

How your baby's growing:

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

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