OH MY...only 12 more weeks aka 90 days! Thank you, Father, for getting me and Jett this far, for molding him perfectly in my perfectly healthy and safe womb. For protecting us from any and all harm and allowing me to experience this gift for a 4th time! Please continue to watch over us and carry us all the way to 39wks! I'm so overwhelmed with gratefulness...for my little guy. He is so precious to me. I love feeling him move around inside of me. I love rubbing my belly and speaking to him...telling him how much I love him and how much I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Sometimes, I have to tell him, "Ouch, you're hurting mommy"...lol. But, I truly cherish every second. My belly is growing right along with him and it's starting to get hard to get into comfortable positions...and I know it's not going to get any easier before he comes. One thing I'm very happy about is that I'm able to sleep very soundly and often. I know all the rest I get now, will be much appreciated later on. It's hard for me to remember exactly what my discomforts were when I was pg with my others, but I don't really remember having this much lower back pain before. I'm thinking he is still head down, which could be the cause of the added pressure. Sometimes when I walk a lot I feel pressure on my cervix, like he's going to come out! I know this is normal and nothing to be concerned about though, so I just try to listen to my body and take it easy when I feel I need to. My biggest craves this pregnancy have been MEAT, burgers/steaks. I could always go for pizza too. Not so much chicken this go round. I haven't really craved sweets, although I will eat them. :-) My belly button has almost reached "outie" status...haha. I can find his HB very easily with the doppler now and enjoy being able to listen from time to time, especially when he's been still for a while and I need a little reassurance. I do notice hiccups from time to time, but not very often. We're still preparing little by little, purchasing things we'd like to have before he arrives. We're supposed to be going Lazy Boy Rocker/Recliner shopping this weekend. It will be nice to have a nice, comfy chair to sit and nurse (and probably even sleep in) when baby gets here. So far, we've purchased, the pack and play (his bed for the first few months), the swing and the car seat/stroller (which is awesome!). My shower is coming up in a month so we'll wait and see what all we get before we buy much else. I don't need anymore clothes! With what I had saved from the boys and what a friend has graciously given me, Jett's dresser is already packed full! What a blessing! Oh, I also have the wrap and sling ready, a cute, little organizer for carrying supplies, and I've been buying things for the shower here and there (decor and game stuff). I'm really excited about my shower, I feel like it's the first one, at least the first one I've ever had a hand in. I know it will be so adorable and fun! Then I'll have one last month, the month of May, to do all my last touches before his arrival. I'll want everything in place, cleaned, and ready to accept him into his home, including have my bags packed and ready for the trip to the hospital.
This week, I have my reg OB appt on Tues. I will also be taking my gestational diabetes blood screen. I also have some questions to ask, such as: 1. Does she have a Pediatrician to recommend (she was supposed to be looking into that). 2. What are the plans for dealing with the ever-growing cyst on my right ovary. 3. What are these peculiar red spots on the tops of my feet & 4. I need a permission slip to get a prenatal massage (OH YEAH!). My fave spa has a March special of 75mins massage for $75! I need it desperately.
Then next week, on Monday, it will be time to see my little man on sono again, YAY!
So, much excitement in store and only 3 more months to go!
Jett's awesome stroller

How your baby's growing:
The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (
an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.
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