Quick appt update. Jett looks awesome! YAY! He's looking so much bigger on the u/s screen. :-) He now weighs 2 lbs 11 oz!! Gett'n big, my lil man. Unfortunately, my fave lady tech was out today, so the Dr. came in and did a really quick scan just to check certain things. So, although I did get to see him a little, I didn't get to see his little face and get pics printed out and all that.

Oh, well....*sigh*...she better there next time! Baby is still head down, guess he's going to stay like that.
I did call and speak with my nurse today and I passed the Glucose test, BUT she said I'm showing to be a tab bit anemic. Once the dr looks my file over she'll call me if she wants me to do anything about it, but she said it wasn't that much, so she may not want to do anything. I usually am anemic with my pregnancies, so no surprise there.
But, good check up!
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