Since my MC in Jan. 2011 I have been charting and am now in the middle of my 2nd cycle. My 1st cycle post MC (Feb) was quite eventful. I had a very unusual period, well periods, one in the beginning and another one about a week later. I did Ovulate during that cycle but was unable to BD (Baby Dance) properly because I was hospitalized during my two Peak, or most fertile, days. Not to mention I also had a lovely yeast infection in the beginning of my cycle as well. Let's just say I was a mess and so was my chart. Thankfully, I've moved on to my 2nd cycle which has been more normal for me. My chart is looking pretty sweet and I'm enjoying being able to look over it, and get a good idea of what is happening with me. I have just ovulated and am hoping my BDing filled weekend has paid off, but won't know for sure til testing time, about 2 weeks from now (this is called the 2WW-2 week wait, which can feel more like an eternity).
I am so grateful for all of the knowledge I have acquired and am still acquiring since having the MC. Literally, a whole new world has opened up to me, one I've never ventured into before, it's called the World of Trying to Conceive (TTC)! I've made many new friends in this place and it has been refreshing to have their company along the way. I have learned more about my body and my reproductive system in 2 months than I have ever known in my 33 years of life! I mean, who knew it was normal to have a cycle length that wasn't the standard 28 days!? Many, probably, but not me! Good thing I know this too, because I don't have the standard 28 day cycle! I have come to find out my cycles range more around the 33 day mark, which puts my fertile window at a totally different time that I would have been prepared for had I not known all of this. Just knowing this little bit about your body is empowering, but wait there's more, so much more! First, there's the whole learning about what goes on within your body during a typical cycle, the hormones that fluctuate, the follicles that work to release the egg, the journey the egg takes, the beautiful act of when sperm meets egg and the journey they take together, and again the HORMONES. It is all so intricate and perfect, the wonders of the human body! Then, there's what takes place externally during what is taking place internally, the temperature shifts, the cervical mucus and position, all telling signs of what you are experiencing and what to expect. Once, you learn to chart these signs then you are on the road to fully understanding your cycles and getting to know yourself like never before.
Because this is only my 2nd cycle and I'm still in the beginning stages of getting to know how I work, I've learned much from just the 1st to the 2nd. I have even started incorporating some helpful tools in the process. This fertile window I introduced OPK's (Ovulation Predictor Kits), and boy have they been a hoot! They definitely take some getting used too and require a trained eye when it comes to reading them, or they can be confusing. I was happy, after many days of negatives, to finally receive positive readings this past Sat. & Sun. I also used Mucinex this cycle to increase my CM, which it did very well Friday night, in fact maybe a little too well, I think it got all my EWCM out at once cause I was barely wet the next two nights. But, thanks to the PreSeed, I did not have to remain barely wet the rest of the weekend *insert happy face here*. I was so sure, based on all my signs, and last cycle, I O'ed Sunday, and I may have, but my temps were not reflecting it this morning, instead they have not risen and I got a negative on OPK. SMH. So, all I can do is hope my temps rise in the morning and hope that the weekend was enough to catch my Rainbow. KMFX!
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