Dr.'s Appt. went well today, but still waiting to test, I'm still too early, like I thought, so she did not do a test at the office. She wanted to see me to check up on a cyst that was found last month when I was admitted into the hospital for pain in my abdomen. The CAT scan showed a nice size cyst on my left ovary. She said that anything 5cm or bigger they become more concerned with and sometimes have to administer meds or even surgery to deal with them and mine was 4cm, so fairly borderline, big enough for her to want to check up on. She wanted to do an ultrasound, but since I have no insurance and an office u/s is $300, I was like, um, is that completely necessary? She was gracious enough to settle for doing a pelvic exam to see if she could feel any differences that way, but said if she felt something she was going to want to do the u/s. After a couple minutes of very uncomfortableness, the good news was she said she did not "feel" anything on my ovaries. How she could stick her fingers in there far enough to fondle my ovaries, I have no idea, but hey, she's the Dr., and I surely don't have an extra $300 laying around, so I'll gladly take her word for it. I had also brought copies of my last two cycles printed off from FF for her to look over. She actually took her time and studied them for a quite a well and said they look great, and it looks like I am Oing, so she doesn't see any potential problems. We went over the Plan Of Action (POA) for if I pop up Preggers within the next week. I am to call her office immediately to schedule Labs, she would want an Hcg level check and a P check. It feels really good this go round to have more of my crap together, especially with going through the MC and basically feeling alone and had NO idea what was going on! I remember how shocked I was the first time I called to schedule my first appt., I had just found out that week, and they scheduled me for like 8 wks. later! Honestly, with my last pregnancies I never remember having to wait that long to actually see the Dr. I mean I know they can't really see or hear much before 8wks., but it gives a woman such a peace of mind to be able to at least go in and see the Dr's face, hear some encouraging words, maybe do a blood test to make sure levels are rising and everything's okay! I mean come on really? SO, this go round having learned so much about my cycles and having become well acquainted with my Dr. and her ready to give me the care I will need Right From the Start, REALLY will make and humongous difference and make me feel oh so much better about the whole thing. NO MORE MC's PLEASE!!!
Her recommendation was to wait at least a week before testing...haha...yeah like that's going to happen! I'd probably start my period before then, and what fun would that be! No, no, no...I'll be testing within the next couple of days. I went on FF the other day and was searching out pregnancy charts of women with shorter LP's to see when they got their first +'s. My LP has been running shorter than the average around 12dpo. The ones I saw were all 10 and less and they had gotten their +'s at 7dop. So, I figure If I add a couple more days on to theirs to make my 12, I should be able to see something at 9dpo. I'm going to try one Wed, I'll be 9dpo and just keeping testing till AF, who I'm hoping won't show up! Needless to say, I'm sure that tomorrow will go by in super slow mo for me....must try to keep my mind busy for the next 30 hrs....Any suggestions??
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