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Monday, February 27, 2012

Visit with the Perinatologist Today...

The Good News:

 All looks great with lil man (as usual)! YAY!  Currently he is Vertex aka "Head Down".  All measured right no target, he is 1lb8oz, with a strong heartbeat at 163. Will go back in 3 wks. See he adorable pics below....

24weeks 3 days

Side View:

The Not So Good News (which has nothing to do with Jett):

 Before I had become pg and after my mc last year my doc had noticed a nice size cyst on my right ovary.  They don't typically like to see cysts get to over 5cm.  Well, before we could really do anything about I found out I was pg with this baby, so they decided to just keep an eye on it (with the hope it would just resolve itself).  In early pregnancy, it did appear to be getting smaller, having gone down to 4cm.  Well, today, they noticed it has blown back up to over 6cm. :-(  Frankly, there is nothing they can do about it while pg and they don't forsee it causing any trouble while pg.  The Specialist said, they would have to do something if it became larger than 10cm or if it caused a problem.  He said something about how it could cause the ovary to turn in on itself and could affect blood flow (?). I have no idea what that means, but he didn't seemed concerned.  I'll be sure to speak with my OB about it at my next appt though. Hopefully, it will not interfere with the pregnancy at all and will either resolve itself or will be taken care of for good, after the pregnancy.

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