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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

22 wk Prenatal Checkup

I met with Dr. Allison today and had a very good visit.  Checked the typical things: weight, urine, blood, heartbeat (a beautiful 159bpm) and abdomen measurement.  All looked great and right where it needed to be.  I came prepared to ask lots of questions, including going over my Birth Plan.  Dr. Allison went over the whole plan with me and agreed most of it was do-able.  She said she wasn't sure about the Placenta removal being cord traction and not manual because she will have to wait and see how my uterus reacts to the surgery first, but she will keep my wishes in mind and try to accommodate if possible.  I'm glad that we're on the same page with everything, it makes me feel a whole lot better.  She's going to look into a good pediatrician for me, going by my birth plan wishes, and let me know who I should contact.  I thought that was sweet of her, and takes some of the leg work out of it for me.  Unfortunately there's not much she can do about helping me find someone to do the circumcision on the 8th day.  It appears from what I've discovered on my own, there aren't any pediatricians or surgeons willing to do something like that.  So, looks like I'll just have to settle for what I can get, which will be my Dr. doing the circ before we leave the hospital. :-( At least, I tried.  I will have to alter my plan to allow the Vitamin K shot, since the circ will be done so early, to help the blood clot appropriately, but that will be all the shots my babe will be getting.  We also talked about the delivery date, which has been set for Friday, June 8th!  I will be 39 wks, that would be the longest I've ever carried a baby.  Pending all continues to go perfectly with me and Jett til then....I pray we make it til then. 
I really like my Dr. and I really believe I'm going to enjoy having my baby at East Jefferson Hospital.  I'm hoping this is my best experience overall yet, so far so good.

On a preparation note, I've been getting some things done here and there... We now have Jett's first little bed up and ready for him, a Pack-n-Play I ordered online at a really good price.
We found a really nice swing on Craigs List for $20.  It's in great condition, swings in two directions, plays music/sounds, has a spinning mobile. I'm very happy with my bargain purchase.

We also set Jared up a new dresser in his room, so the spare bedroom closet and dresser is empty and ready to be filled with Jett's stuff.  I found three boxes of salvageable clothes in the attic that I'm going to wash and put away.  Also, a good friend of mine is planning on bringing me alot of her new baby boy's things/clothes.  Score!  Another friend gave me one of her Ring Slings, which I can't wait to use and I just ordered a beautiful Wrap online the other night.  I'm looking forward to wearing Jett constantly!  I will need to do some practicing though, to get use to working with them. 
I've also been working on my Registry online and I plan on going next month to finish it up in the store.
Things are coming together. :-) Jett will be here before we know it...only 4 more months to go!!

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