My Rainbow is thiiiissss BIG...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I have reached the half-way point!! Whoo! Hoo!

Thank you, Father, for allowing me and my babe to make it this far, both of us strong & healthy.  I'm feeling great and looking great...Love my Baby Bump! :-)  I adore feeling Jett moving all around inside of me and will miss that feeling after he is born, it is such a special and unique experience, which makes me all the more grateful to be a woman.  The boys enjoy placing their hands on my belly and feeling him move around also.  We've started a new routine, when I go to tuck them in at night I lay down and they try to feel the baby move before they go to bed.  It's really sweet.  Jett is really blessed to have a family that is already so much in love with him. <3 Last night, Joel & Jared placed their ears to my belly and claim they heard the baby's heartbeat.  I'm going to see if daddy can try tonight to help confirm.  Jordon didn't try.  Jett kicked his hand hard the other night and scared us both, so he's a little leery of feeling the baby move now..haha...he'll come around.  They really going to get a kick out of it when they can actually see him kick and move around under my skin. 

I made and printed out my Birth Plan today and will bring it to go over my doctor with next time.  I'll post it at the bottom.  My last visit with her went well, DD was able to go with me and meet my Dr.  We listened to the HB, a beautiful 160 bpm, and had my stomach measured for the first time, which measured accordingly at 19in.  I spoke with my Dr. about scheduling my c/s and was glad to hear, pending all stays well, I will not have to deliver earlier than 39wks.  I really want baby to stay in as long as possible this time, so he'll be completely ready for life on the other side.  She even said by my next appt. we can start looking at dates.  I'm really going to try to get Wed., June 6th, that way I'll have two boys born on the 3rd and two born on the 6th.  I'll be 38w5d on that date, so 2 days shy of 39wks, not bad. 
I'm stumped about having the circumcision right now though.  This is my first baby having Medicaid and I'm not fully certain how things will work exactly.  I don't like the idea of having some random, on-call Pediatrician for the birth, but it seems that is the way things are handled with Medicaid.  I'm also really wanting to obey Torah and have Jett circumcised on the 8th day, but am having a hard time finding a Dr. willing or able to do this.  I still need to talk this over with my doctor, but from what her nurse told me, Dr. Allison will have to preform the circ. before we live the hospital.  But, I am not going to worry myself sick over this, I have prayed about it and placed the situation in Father's Hands.  He knows my heart desires to be obedient, I believe He will lead and guide me in the way I should go. 
My next u/s is in 11days with Dr. Miller and I can't wait to see little Jett again!

Birth Plan
Rachel & Baby Jett Schamberger
June 2012

Mother: Rachel Schamberger
Father: Scott Schamberger
Newborn: Jett Joseph Schamberger
OBGYN: Dr. Allison Stewart
This plan outlines our preferences. We understand the plan may change. In the event that the operation is not affected by complications my partner and I would prefer:

·         I would like my spouse to be present if an epidural or spinal is being used.
·         I would prefer my spouse to be close by if a general anesthetic is being used.
·         I do not consent to a catheter being inserted until after anesthesia is administered.
·         I would like my children to be with me on the ward before and/or after the operation and to wait with our support person, my mother, Deborah Fischer, in the ward while I am being operated on.
During Birth/Surgery:
·         I would like my spouse to be present and at my side during the complete surgery.
·         I do not consent to any students, interns, etc. watching or participating.
·         I do not consent to tying my arms down unless I am unable to control them.
·         I would like to be modestly draped at all times.
·         I would like the surgeon to give me a running commentary of the operation to let me know what is happening.
·         I do not consent to a single layer suture to close my uterus.  A double layer closer must be used.
·         I would prefer my placenta to be delivered by controlled cord traction rather than manually removed, to reduce bleeding and infection risks.
·         The father would like to cut the cord.
·         We would like to take photographs and film whenever possible.
After Delivery:
·         Presuming our baby is well; I would like him to be given to me or my spouse as soon as possible after birth, preferably naked for skin-to-skin contact but covered with a warm blanket.
·         I DO NOT want any eye ointment used on baby’s eyes after delivery.
·         I would like to try breastfeeding my baby in recovery or while being sutured if possible.
·         For my partner and baby to wait for me in the recovery room while the suturing is being finished, after the baby is weighed.
·         I would like the father to stay with the baby at all times if I can’t be there.
·         I do not consent to the use of any artificial nipples for the baby
·         If the baby has hypoglycemia, I wish to use breastfeeding to treat it.  My second choice is pumped breast milk administered using a non-nipple feeding method.  My last choice is formula (NOT sugar water).
·         If our baby is in need of going to the intensive care nursery, I would like to be taken to the intensive care nursery after leaving recovery to spend time with my baby.
·         I would like Pediatric Exams to be done in the mother's room.
·         I would like to room in with my baby on the postnatal ward.
·         I DO NOT want any vaccines to be given to my baby, including the Vitamin K and Hepatitis B shots.

Thank you for considering our needs.

Mother’s Signature_______________________________________  Date_______________________
Father’s Signature _______________________________________  Date_______________________

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