My Rainbow is thiiiissss BIG...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 25, 2012

My Rainbow Is Here!

It's taken me a while to get to my Blog to add the story of Jett's birth.  I faced unexpected and upsetting challenges during my surgery, but his delivery was perfect and so is he.  My will was not done, but my Heavenly Father's Will was and that is answered prayer, always.  My story did not go exactly how I had hoped but the end result was a perfectly healthy mama and baby and that's all I could've asked for.  Jett is an answer to my prayers and deep desire.  I've waited for him a long time and he is finally HERE!  He has made my life and my family complete.

The Story of Jett's Birth

On Friday, June 8th 2012 @ exactly 39 weeks, I arrived at East Jefferson Hospital for 5:30am and was brought to my pre/post operation recovery room.  Scott, the boys, DD, Paw Paw, and my sister were all there with me.  I was excited/scared/nervous, but the real nerves hadn’t hit me yet.  I changed into my hospital gown and gave a urine sample.  My attending nurse hooked me up to the monitors to keep track of Jett’s heartbeat and any contractions.  She explained to me how to read the monitors and pointed out where I was having mild contractions.  She then attempted to insert my IV; unfortunately she failed at TWO different attempts into my right hand causing me lots of pain.  My mom was standing there and I was very tempted to just ask her to do it!  Finally, the nurse decided to try my left hand and thankfully was successful on her first attempt.  Those IV’s are the worst, large and so uncomfortable!  They gave me a couple of meds to help with nausea and heartburn.  Then the nurse shaved me with some very dull clippers and that was not comfortable at all.  She even apologized for them being dull, in which I thought, well, if you know they are dull why don’t you spare your patients the agony and get a new blade for crying out loud.  The delivery time was set for 7:30am; as the time drew near the traffic of nurses and doctors coming in and out of the room picked up, I knew we were getting close.  Hubby suited up in his scrubs and my nerves started kicking in big time, I started to shake uncontrollably.

  They wheeled me out as I kissed my family goodbye and waved.  I had a sweet little nurse, who I loved immediately; she was 34wks pregnant with twins (babies number 7 & 8 for her!)  Her presence was so calming.  She reassured me over and over that everything was going to be okay, when they were prepping me for the spinal, she stood in front of me, holding my hands, telling me exactly what they were doing and what was going to happen.  Still shaking pretty violently I gripped her hands with a death grip as I anticipated the needle.  It ended up not being that bad at all, the IV’s earlier that morning were worse.  Scott was in the room with me the entire time and stood beside my fave nurse as they administered the spinal.  Once the shot took effect I laid down and was finished being prepped for surgery.  My doctor soon got to work with the delivery and talked me through the steps she was taking.  I remember her commenting on the good amount of scar tissue I had, that was no surprise, this was the fifth time I was being cut into.  Twenty minutes later, at 7:50am, and after a lot of hard pushing, pulling and immense pressure on my upper torso, Jett entered the world, measuring a healthy 7lbs. 2oz and 20in long!  He registered an 8.9 on the Apgar scale. His precious cries were loud and strong, all I wanted to do was hold him, and I waited patiently to see his little face for the first time.  Finally, Scott brought him over to me; he is such a doll, he looks a lot like his brother Jared.  I wanted to hold him so badly but with only one arm free to touch him and in still in the process of surgery, it was near impossible to get as close to him as I wanted.  He would cry and I would try to talk to him to comfort him and he would stop crying and listen.  Scott held him next to me a good long time.  My sweet anesthesiologist offered to video tape us all together.  After a nice first visit and a quick pee on daddy, he and daddy headed out to the nursery and to meet the rest of his family.  I still had a lot of lying there and waiting to do while my doc continued to work on me and I was hoping it would be wrapping up quickly so I could be reunited with my babe and my family.  Little did I know, the surgery would take much longer than anticipated and there would be some hard, unexpected changes to come.

While my family oohh’ed and ahh’ed over the new baby through the nursery windows as he was thoroughly checked out by the nurses and his pediatrician, my doctor was hard at work on me in the operating room.  The last thing I remember her telling me was that the cyst would be better removed along with the entire right ovary, that it was attached to, along with the right fallopian tube, for extra precaution. It was large and she didn’t want to run the risk of it bursting and/or leaking into my abdomen. *Two weeks later, at my first post-op checkup, I learned the cyst was indeed benign and a tumor-like cyst that would have continued to grow had it not been removed.* I was at peace with this decision, I knew I would still have my left ovary and tube, being I still had a hope and a dream for more children one day, it would still be a possibility.  I’m not sure at what point the decision was made to put me under general anesthesia, but the surgery had become more complicated and involved than anyone was expecting.  My poor husband was pacing the halls wondering how much longer my surgery was going to take and what was going on.  At one point my doctor came out to talk to him and fill him in on the complications that had arisen.  My uterus was in pretty bad shape; it was hemorrhaging in various places and had stopped contracting to help stop the bleeding.   My doctor tried desperately to patch the affected areas, but after hours of working on the issue, could not stop the bleeding.  The decision was made, unaware to me, to go ahead and remove the uterus.  After almost 3hours on the table, delivering my baby, removing a large cyst including my right ovary and tube, performing a partial hysterectomy and stitching me back together, I was finally moved back into recovery.  My left ovary and tube were left intact, this would help my hormones regulate in the future and my cervix was left unharmed and untouched. 

When I awoke in recovery I was in a lot of pain, my memory is fuzzy from this time. I remember requesting pain meds stat!  I remember being hot and asking for a fan to be put on me and ice be fed to me.  I remember feeling very nauseous and throwing up my ice chips.  I remember holding and breastfeeding my baby, and I also remember being upset because something had caused my vision to be blurry and I could hardly see his little face.  The pain meds were making me very sleepy and I could barely keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds.  I know my doctor came in and attempted to explain everything that happened during the surgery, but I couldn’t keep my eyes on her and really couldn’t remember anything she had said later on.  Later on, the next day, once I had become more stable with my meds and able to be more alert and awake, the reality of everything that I had gone through hit me and I was very upset by it all.  The fact that parts of my body had been removed along with any chance for future children was a hard reality to face, still is.  I do understand the reasoning for it and I’m grateful to my doctor, who did everything in her power to do what was best for me and my body.  My emotions were all over the place for weeks after my surgery, thanks mainly to my postpartum hormones.  Physically, this had been the hardest recovery yet, but I’ve had so much done to my body this time, I know it’s going to take longer to heal.  I lost a lot of blood and received a total of 4 units before I was released.  Jett had to spend our last day and night in the nursery under the lights to treat his rising bilirubin levels, but thankfully we were successful in getting his levels down to an acceptable number so that he could be discharged with me the next day.  I spent a total of 3 nights and four days in the hospital and was discharged Monday, June 11th.  Jett had no issues breastfeeding and has been a wonderful eater, which has been helpful in treating the jaundice.  He left the hospital weighing 6.8 and a few days later, at his first check-up apt had already gone back up to 7lbs.  He is doing great!  He is a wonderful baby, hardly ever cries.  He is adored by his brothers and loved by so many.  He is a true joy and gift from Heaven above.

I’m so thankful for my family and their undying support and love; I’ve truly needed it and relied on them so much for it.  I’m thankful for my doctor, who did her job to the best of her ability and in the end saved my life and saved me from any future harm.  I’m thankful to my hospital and its staff who provided a very pleasant stay; they were very helpful, accommodating and respectful in honoring my wishes.  They took excellent care of me and my newborn.  And most of all, I’m thankful to my Heavenly Father for knowing what’s best for me and having His Will done in my life; for sustaining my life and keeping me safe.  I thank Him for granting me the desire of my heart and blessing me with one more child and allowing my body to do what it needed to, one more time, in order to sustain and maintain his little life.  I am so thankful for the four, beautiful, perfect children I’ve been given, I really couldn’t ask for more.  My life is blessed beyond measure and my family has been made whole and complete with the birth of my Rainbow baby, Jett Joseph.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Registered, Admitted, and Ready!

Went to get Pre-Admitted today.  Got my hospital bands on, answered questions, signed papers, gave blood and urine and got to listen to the hb for a sec.  All looks good and I'm all set to go in the morning!  Doing good, emotionally, the real nerves haven't kicked in yet.  Kind of in a state of just "Can't believe he will not be in my belly anymore". Physically, I'm really tired today and have been in the bed since I've been home.  I've been laying here feeling him move all around and cherishing the last moments of it, there sure is nothing like it!  I hope he's ready to come out of
My mom and step-dad are on their way and should be here any minute, looking forward to them being here with me.  We will all go to the hospital bright and early in the morning, I have to be there at 5:30am with surgery commencing at 7:30am!  My sister and my father-in-law are also planning on being there early, so I'll have a nice team of support around me.
I have my instructions and know right where to go, praying it goes quickly and smoothly and baby and I can get to resting and bonding soon.  Exciting!! Pics and Birth Story Coming Soon....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

38 weeks here!

Today I am 38wks and 5 days!  In just 2 days at 39wks, I'll be holding my Rainbow!  Words can not describe how THANKFUL I am to be at this point in my life! 

As the day draws closer and closer the reality of it all grows and so does my mixed bag of emotions.  I've been working hard to combat the negative ones, such as the fears, worries, and anxieties that arise when I think of the surgery and all that it implies.  But, my peace, comfort, and joy take over when I focus on seeing my precious boy's face for the first time, hearing that first cry, and feeling his little body pressed up against mine.  So, I will attempt to stay in that frame of mind as I go through the next 48 or so hrs.  These are my hopes and prayers for what lies ahead:

1. I will remain at peace at all times, no matter what.
2.  The painful parts won't seem so painful and will pass quickly.
3.  Jett will be fully ready to greet the world, perfectly healthy, with no issues whatsoever and his delivery will go smoothly and without complication.
4.  The cyst on my right ovary will be a normal, fluid-filled, non-cancerous one.  The doctor will have no troubles removing it from my ovary and the ovary will stay perfectly intact and remain fully functional, not having been affected by the cyst in any way.
5.  My surgery will be an overall success that will be handled quickly and efficiently, in which I will recover well and speedy.
6.  Jett and I will be reunited after surgery ASAP and will have no issues with bonding/feeding.
7.  Me, Jett and my family will have a wonderful and pleasant experience during our duration at the hospital and only be met with kind, supportive medical staff and comfortable facilities.
8.  Our Birth plan will be enforced and respected and circumcision will be as painless as possible and done to perfection.

I had my last two Prenatal Appts this week:

My u/s with the Perinatologist went well.  Jett still measuring and growing perfectly, with an estimated weight of 7lbs 7oz (@38w3d).  Me and the boys will miss seeing good ole Dr. Miller, he surely is a character. I am relived my experience with him has been a great one and he's interventions were never needed.  It was a blessing and comfort to have had the opportunity to see Jett on u/s as often as we did and I'm glad I got to experience that with my boys.

My last check-up with Dr. Allison also went well, quick as usual.  Measurements great, HB strong and cervix still very closed and high (no change there).  Next time I will see her is early Friday morning in the OR.

I have truly cherished every second of this pregnancy, the exciting moments: hearing the HB for the first time, sharing my joyous news with family and friends, feeling his first flutters, watching my belly grow and celebrating every milestone of my little one as he was so perfectly formed within me. I knew my journey would go by quickly and it has.  Thank YHWH, my journey has been a blessed and perfect one!  Just 18mths ago I was mourning the loss of my 5th pregnancy and 2nd angel and wondering if I would ever feel life fill my uterus again.  This Beautiful Rainbow that will shine brightly for all the world to see in a matter of hours is the answer to my freverant prayers.  My dear son, Jett Joseph, mommy, daddy, brothers, and many family & friends can not wait to meet you~

How your baby's growing:

Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

37 week check-up

Had my 2nd to last appt with my OB today and thank goodness, cuz I'm sick of sitting in that waiting room for hours! Good appointment, all is well.  I'm measuring 39wks (I finally asked).  I haven't gained any weight since last week and have gained a total of 33 overall, so far. HB was strong at 140 and BP is good.  My cervix is still closed nice and tight.  I'm looking forward to getting a peek at Jett next Monday at my last u/s with Dr. Miller and then my final appt with Dr. Stewart on Tuesday.  Jett's birthday can't come soon enough, I'm ready!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

37 Weeks!

This week, medically, I am considered "Full Term"!! How exciting is that?! My lil man could come any minute and most likely be perfectly ready for life on the outside.  But, we want him to stay in for 13 more days at least...I really like the idea of carrying him to 39wks. :-)  Contractions, Pressure, and just overall body achiness has increased and the discomfort is growing right along with Jett daily. I've made it this far, what's a couple more weeks right?...sigh. I'm slowly but surely checking off my list of Things To Do Before Jett Comes.  I pulled my sewing machine out and made the cutest burp cloths for him and will have them monagrammed this they are (pre-monagrammed)

Also, I started packing my hospital bags today, as much as I could anyway, there are a few things that will have to go in last minute.  But, I do feel way more prepared and organized with what I have done.  Tomorrow, Scott is going to clean the car for me then we're going to get his carseat in place.  I'm pretty sure that's about all I can do up to this we just wait for the day to arrive.  I have an appt this week and two next week is going to be KA-RAZY!  Will update more later.....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

36 weeks!

36 weeks today and will be 37 weeks tomorrow!!  OH MY!  Really I could have him anytime now, but I'm keeping fingers crossed he waits til his appointed day...which is only 14 days away now!  I had my beautiful Joel at 36 wks, thank goodness he was ready to be born that soon; and had Jordon and Jared both at 38 wks. Jared struggled a bit at that time and I had wished he wouldn't baked a little longer, so hopefully at 39 wks Jett will be good to go!
I had my weekly check up this week and all is looking great, stable and quiet.  Cervix is still closed, Jett's getting bigger and all is well in my world of pregnancy.  I was informed that my delivery time of 12pm had been changed to 7:30am, so I will have to get to the hospital bright and early at 5:30am that Friday.  I already know I will most likely not be getting any sleep Thursday night...I will be much too excited/nervous/etc.  So, hopefully, I can get myself to nap a bit during the day.  Then once Jett is in my arms and we're both settled we can snooze together. :-)
I haven't had very many contractions, just a few here and there and some painful cervical pressure from time to time.  Jett's still moving around very well in his limited space, I think we'll both be relieved when he's out and can move around more freely.  Only two more dr visits with Dr. Stewart and one more u/s with Dr. Miller.... getting antsy to meet my lil man!!

My firstborn graduated from Middle School this week!!  High School Bound!  

How your baby's growing:
Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement.
At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position. But if she isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week 35

Well, I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow, so running just a wee bit behind on this update.  I had another ultrasound with Dr. Miller this week.  I was disappointed because Nadine, the u/s tech that always gets me such great pics, was out, so I didn't get any great pics. :-(  The doc did say, and I quote, "Your kid looks like a million bucks!".  That was so great to hear!  He's gone from 5lbs 5oz to 6lbs 3oz in 2wks!  I can't wait to see what he'll end up weighing on his birthday.  So, he's growing wonderfully and doing great...Thank you, Father.  My next ultrasound will be in 3wks, which is actually the same week my c-section is not much longer now!  I have noticed some more contractions and cramps, not many though, I would say at least 2-3 a day.  They're not very strong or painful, just uncomfortable.  I notice I get them more when I'm active and doing alot on my feet, so all the more reason to take it easy these last few weeks.  I really want to make it til my d-day.  I have a good feeling I will.

My oldest graduates from Middle School this weekend.  I can't believe how fast time has baby will be a highschooler at the same time we welcome his 3rd little brother into our sweet. I can't wait to see the boys with him, helping, holding, making him laugh, teaching him. :-)  I know it will be an adjustment to our normal routine, but I have a feeling it will all go very smoothly and I'm excited to get started!

35 weeks
How Jett's doing this week:


How your baby's growing:

Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

34 week Appt

Well, I had an enlightening appt today with Dr. Allison.  First, all is still looking wonderful with baby, HB in the high 140's, weight and measurements on target.  I did mention to her the occasional cramping and cervical pressure and she did check my cervix.  The cervix is still high and closed, so that's good.  She said the baby's head is right there pushing down on it, which explains the occasional pressure.  I figured that's what it was and glad that's all it is.

Next, we talked about the cyst, she finally got the reports back from Dr. Miller.  She said it is roughly about the size of a softball, so not little in the least.  She said she is going to try to remove it during the section (which is good), but she wants me to be prepared with the fact that she MAY end up having to remove the whole ovary, depending on what things look like when she gets in there.  I thought that might be a possibility, but it seemed more of a likelihood when she said it and they greatly saddens me.  She really does think the cyst is harmless and if so might be easier to dissect while maintaining as much ovary tissue as she can.  She did say if the cyst looks suspicious (tumor-like), it would be best to remove the ovary so she could get the complete cyst out for testing.  Once the cyst is removed it will be sent to pathology for testing, then we will know where to go from there.  Either it will be harmless and out of my abdomen, so essentially done with it.  Or if it comes back proving to be cancerous in any way I will have to see a Gynecologist to see what the next plan of action would be.  I hate to even think in that direction, but at this point it is a possibility and it really scares me.  I pray I do not have cancer in my body, I pray the cyst is harmless and can be removed while preserving my ovary, I pray my uterus will be spared from any future complications and remain intact and fully functioning.  I pray I can keep a positive outlook until things are more certain and not allow any fear and anxiety to overcome me. 

My next u/s is next Monday, then I'll see Dr. Stewart again in 2wks, then every week thereafter.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 34

Here's my promised bathing beauty shot...haha
Back from the vacay and glad to be back in the comfort of my own home.  There's nothing like your OWN shower and bed!  We enjoyed our little getaway and now we're back and full steam ahead to baby day!  We have lots on the calendar for May, so I know my last 4 wks of pregnancy will speed past.  Now that me and baby are just about out of space, it's getting harder and harder to enjoy the gift that is pregnancy.  My only comforts are knowing he's doing so well, growing rapidly, and will soon be here!  The day I got back from the beach I had a few episodes of cramping and cervical pressure, which I'm sure is all completely normal seeing how far along I am, but I do want to mention it to the doc this Tues at my next appt.  I'm curious to know if I'm dilated at all, but don't know if she'd be willing to check that.  I seriously can not live without Zantac (an OTC heartburn med) being in my system 24/7!  I'm sitting here now, at 9pm, still burning from lunch (haven't had any dinner), and all because I haven't taken any today!'s hard for me to decide what's worse nausea or heartburn!  I haven't had any BH's in a long time, no swelling, and pretty much doing great. 

Here's what lil man is up to:
How your baby's growing:
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Enjoying my 33rd week at the BEACH!

Gulf Shores, AL

Glad we're staying at a place with an indoor pool... I'm sitting here watching the kids swim while it's thunderstorming outside. :-(  Of course last week was gorgeous everyday, go figure.  When we arrived yesterday it was lovely, the waters were a little nippy, but beautiful outside.  I knew there might be a chance of rain today, including a small chance tomorrow.  With tomorrow being our last full day here, I'm really hoping we'll be blessed with some sun before we leave.  Rain or Shine, the kids are enjoying their time in the pool and we are having a great time together.  I was able to swim some yesterday and it felt Oh So good on my big, pregnant body. :-)  I'll be getting back in for a swim in a little bit.  And I'll have to get the boys to take a pic of me in my cute maternity swimsuit!
Today, I am 33w5d's along and still feeling great!  I've been taking Zantac for the heartburn which has been virtually relieving me from all heartburn!....It's been wonderful!  I think both Jett and I are quickly running out of room.  His movements can be pretty uncomfortable now, at times.  He has his times of stillness (sleeping, I'm assuming), then his times of lots of activity.  He responds to my touch, which I love. <3  I had another ultrasound this past Monday, with Dr. Miller.  Everything is still looking absolutely perfect!...So Glad!  Jett is now weighing in at 5lbs 5oz (up a pound and a half in 3 weeks!)...pending Jett goes to 39wks (which I pray he does)..I do believe he will be my biggest babe yet.  He's still chilling upside  He did not provide us with any good face shots this visit, he had his little hands right in front of his face.  She was able to get one shot that shows on chubby cheek, nose, and an eye (which I think may have been open).

I will go back and see Dr. Miller in 2wks, since he'll be out of town in 3wks.  All looks good though and my lil man is doing fabulous... that's all I could ever ask for!  Now, back to enjoying my babymoon with my three amigos. ;-)

How your baby's growing:
This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Baby Shower!!

After months of finally arrived and it was WONDERFUL!  The theme was yellow ducks with splashes of teal and white and was held in a local hotel banquet room, which was decorated accordingly, with ducks (of course), balloons, confetti, round tables draped in white linen, floating candles, favors, gifts, games, lots of delicious food and more!  It really was my daydreams come true.
I'd gathered and ordered online all that I could and waited til the weekend of, when my mom would be in town, to load up on the rest of my needed materials and goods.  The boys and I picked her up from the airport on Thursday, and after a yummy Olive Garden lunch, wasted no time in hitting the stores!  The first stop was Macy's to pick out the outfit for the big day, then on to many more stops, including: Target, Party City, Michaels, JC Penney's, and lastly a much needed trip to Sunny's for a Snoball!  Day One quickly concluded with some very exhausted people.  Friday was a day of more fun and shopping.  We started at Cafe Dumond for beingets and cafe au laits, then on to the spa for a pedicure for me and manicure for mom, next we each got a spray tan to give ourselves some fresh color and bronzy glow.  After dropping the boys off at home, off we went again for more shopping and a visit to the hotel to make sure everything was being set up properly.  We did have to do a little rearranging, but not much.  Later on that evening my sister arrived and my sister-in-law and niece.  We ordered pizza, ate, then headed back to the hotel to begin set up.  Thankfully, we had a very obliging maintenance man, named Dave, who was able to help us hang our pretty little "fluffy balls" from the ceiling, above each table. :-)  Then we headed on to WalMart for food/drink supplies.  Friday was a long night, I don't think anyone got much sleep.  Saturday (the Big Day), was filled with food prep, and still, more shopping!  My mom purchased me a lovely wrist corsage, blue and white ribbon with little white roses (wish they could've lasted forever).  We picked up my adorable ducky cupcakes from the bakery (see above pic), I was so happy with the way they came CUTE!  We had a little trouble finding the right color balloons, but ended up finding what we needed.  Finally, the shopping was complete and  it was time to get ourselves ready.  We arrived at the hotel around 3:30pm and quickly went to work setting up the remaining items and food tables, by 5pm (Party Time), we were ready to greet our guests.  I was able to take some great shots of all our hard work before the guests arrived...
My floating ducky/candle centerpieces
My sweet (and salty :-) party favors

The room all decorated and ready...simple and elegant

Our beautiful buffet of goodies....
 ...which included a blue punch with floating ducks...
 ...and two gorgeous arrangements of fruit and veggies-supplied by my sister....

I had a wonderful turn out, about 25 guests, which was the best part of my shower...seeing and visiting with everyone while we celebrated my lil peanut. We actually had 4 preggos there (myself included) and two babies!!  Everyone enjoyed the food and made lots of sweet comments about how cute everything looked, especially the cupcakes, and how beautiful I looked.  I did feel beautiful, exhausted, but overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness.  I couldn't have pulled it all off without so many who stepped up to help.  I was so thrilled to have all of my dearest family and friends around me. 
Me with my dear hubby, sitting in my special chair my mom created for me.
Preggo posing

Me with my two biggest helpers, my sister and my mom

My beautiful babies and niece

I received lots of great gifts, most from my Registry, which will be a great help, and also some gifts cards, so I can go and grab whatever else I need.
One of my fave gifts!

We ate, we visited, we played games: A guess how much the baby items cost game, A guess how many diaper are in the container game, and a Thank You card envelope drawing. 
After waiting for so long for this day, those two fun-filled hours passed by way too quickly.  But, all the preparation and anticipation was well worth it!  I'll hold the memories of this special event in my heart forever.  Now I can't wait to use all my great gifts when I welcome Jett into the world...very soon! :-)

32 weeks = 8 months!!

Life has been CrAzY!! Which is why I am already 32w5d and running late on updating my Blog...AHH!! :-) So, I will break up all the crazy happenings into 3 different posts...starting off with how I'm doing in week 32.
Like I said, week 32 has been crazy exhausting, just because there has been so much going on....because of this, I must say the back, legs, feet have been hurting more than normal.  Baby is doing wonderful and my body is doing an excellent job incubating lil man.  I had my reg OB appt yesterday.  Don't you just love waiting to see the doctor for almost an hour then actually spending a total of 5 mins with the doctor?! Um, NO!  But, that's how the cookie crumbles right now.  There's not too much to be done at my appts, besides the usual urine, weight & bp check, heartbeat and fundal measurement, which takes all of a few minutes.  Once any questions have been asked and answered, it's "Well, see you in two weeks".  I did hand in my final copy of my Birth Plan with a couple of changes: I added my Pediatricians names and said I DID want the Vitamin K (only because Jett will be getting his circumcision before we leave the hospital and he'll need that to help his blood coagulate).
But, I'm not complaining, I'm relived this pregnancy has been uneventful and I pray it stays that way til D-Day... just 43 days away now!  I have another u/s coming up in 4 days, I'm curious to see how big he is now, he feels humongous in there!  His pushes and rolls and pokes are getting ever stronger as he quickly is running out of space.  I love my big belly though and feeling him move around in it!  I'm going to miss my belly and am already mourning the idea that this may be the last time I ever get to experience it.  I do so look forward to meeting this little boy, can't wait to see who he looks like and what kind of little personality he has.  I haven't had very many Braxton Hicks contractions at all this pregnancy, which is fine by me.  I'm still dealing with horrible heartburn and hubby has been complaining about my snoring keeping him up at night...whoops..haha.  It's hard to keep my nasal passages open at night, thus the snoring.  I keep telling him, it's almost over, he only has to deal with it a little while longer.  Whereas I have to deal with his snoring for the rest of my life, so yeah, I think he can handle it! ;-) 
Now that my shower is over (yay), I've been enjoying being able to pick things up for baby here and there and getting everything organized.  I purchased a really cute wooden shelf at Target yesterday and set it up with all his stuff.  All of his clothes, blankets, towels, etc. (so far)  have been washed and put away.  I have a few more things I want to buy and I'm thinking I'll pack our bags around 36wks. THEN, I should be READY!  More later....

How your baby's growing:

By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

31 weeks...

Oh my! The weeks are rolling by so fast, I'm falling behind on my blogging. I had a feeling that was going to happen now that I'm getting so close to delivery...only 8 more weeks!  I don't feel like my belly has gotten a whole lot bigger the past few weeks, but I'm sure it has.  I do feel like my skin is really tight, I'm all baby! 

My shower is only 6 days away and we're all looking forward to picking up DD from the airport in just 4 days!  I have no idea who to expect to show up, only a few RSVP's have rolled in, so it will be a surprise I guess.

I've finally planned a long awaited for vacation getaway for me and my boys, so excited!  Unfortunately Scott can't come because of work.  It will be nice to spend some time on the beach and in the pools with my boys before their brother is added to the last little babymoon :-). I can't wait!  Only 2 weeks til VACAY!

The pregnancy is quickly coming to it's grand finale. I'm so thankful that this pregnancy has been so wonderful and complication free, I pray it will continue to be like that, all the way through delivery til Jett is safely in my arms.

Here's what's going on with lil man this week:

How your baby's growing:
This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 30 :-)

Week 30 finds me and Jett getting bigger and bigger.  I was able to get a great peek at him yesterday at my Specialist appt, he's already measuring at 4lbs!  Looks like I'm going to have another little chunky monkey on my hands :-).  I'm expecting him to be my biggest baby yet, pending he stays nice and nestled in the womb til his arrival date, which is only 59 days away now!  Life is beginning to get a little more uncomfortable symptom wise.  The 30th week brought along with it a feeling of fainting every time I stand, walk, or try to get anything done.  My doc says this is normal and more than likely my blood pressure dropping due to the increased blood volume in late pregnancy.  In that case, there is nothing that can be done, besides me taking it easy and just resting when I feel faint.  She did draw my blood today at my appt. to check my iron levels, to make sure my slight anemia hasn't gotten worse, which could also be a cause of my feeling faint so often.  I'm guessing if that's the case she'll want to prescribe me some extra iron...but we'll see. Baby is looking excellent, thanks be to YHWH!  And my body is doing perfectly with the pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the cyst on my ovary has grown even bigger in an even shorter amount of time, it's gone from 6cm to 10cm in a months time.  Not good.  But, there is nothing that can be done about it at the moment.  My prayer is that Dr. Allison will be able to efficiently remove it during delivery with no further harm being done to my body or ovary.  I'm pretty sure this is what the plan will be, which will be good to go ahead and get it done then while I'm already on the operating table.  I'm giving much praise to my Heavenly Father that I have not had any pain from it, which is very surprising, given it's size.  Only 8 more weeks to go and hopefully it won't get any bigger.  No one is concerned that it will/could cause any harm to the pregnancy or my ovary, that's good.  My doc seems to think it's just being induced by the elevated hormones in my body and still may even go down after pregnancy, but I'd rather not wait and see, I'd rather it just be taken and done with.

My little man has been very active, even hurting me with his strong pushes and rolls, but I still love feeling him move around, it's a comforting/reassuring feeling.  He's still head down and such a doll, looks kinda like my youngest, Jared.  I can't wait to kiss his little lips!
I'm scheduled with the hospital on June 7th at 9am to go in and get all my Registration and Paperwork done for the delivery the following day.  I just know that day will be here before I know it!  I'm enjoying the last moments of this gift called pregnancy.

My shower is only 11 days away now!  Everything is getting accomplished one thing at a time and working out just like I knew it would.  I'm looking forward to seeing my mom next week!  Stay tuned for all the shower details...coming soon!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

29 weeks...

All's well in the land of pregnancy.  I had my regular 2 week checkup this past week.  I had more action sitting in the waiting room for an hour while Jett kicked me like crazy then I did in the actual appointment.  Baby's heartbeat sounded great as usual, my weigh and fundal height is on target.  Doc told me to keep up the good work and sent me on my way. :-)  I will have my next appts in about a week, my 3wk u/s with Dr. Miller and then my 2wk again the following day.  I've been having lots of RLP and pressure in my abdomen, some of which I think is from the weight of the pregnancy.  Baby is nice and active, especially in the morning and evening.  Scott's been working lots of overtime, so we've been missing him around home.  It's really nice to have the extra $$ right now though, with baby coming and bills to pay.  Yesterday, the boys and I spent a fun time in the Park, it was nice to get out and enjoy the beauty of Father's Creation.

29 weeks

My Handsome Boys...Love them so much!

And little Jett's progression this week:

How your baby's growing:

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

Monday, March 26, 2012


The 28th week and beginning of the last trimester has been reached!  WOO HOO! Such an exciting time and it's quickly coming to the big finale when baby boy is born!  At this moment, I have 74 days and counting!  I'm feeling pretty good.  I've been suffering from immense pain in my tailbone area for the past few months, mainly when I'm sitting on harder surfaces that put alot of pressure on that area.  It seems there will be no escaping this though, I will just have to deal best I can til he's born.  Other than that, the other symptoms that have stayed with me pretty much throughout are still around...constipation, heartburn, round ligament pain and still occasionally nausea and light-headedness.  I've been dealing with these pretty well though.  Baby and belly are growing ever bigger.  His little kicks and punches are becoming more frequent and much stronger.  Sometimes it feels like he's going to push right through my skin!  This past Saturday I treated myself to a lovely, 75-min, prenatal massage!  It was heavenly, I enjoyed it thoroughly!  Then Sunday we spent a beautiful day in MS with our family there, we had a good time. 

Me & My Love 

                                                           My Precious Family of SIX!

My shower is less than 4 wks away now.  Next week I'll be sending out the invites, ordering my cupcakes, and continuing to pick things up here and there.  As much as I'm looking forward to it, I'll be relieved when it's over and I can finish preparing for Jett's arrival and just focus on my last moments of pregnancy and the big D-day!  My fam and I will be doing a maternity shoot that weekend as well, that's going to be fun, I'm looking forward to it.
This week I have my regular OB check-up.  I'm not sure what she's going to say about the anemia, if she'll want to put me on something or not.  I'm glad I can finally tell them I have chosen my Pediatrician too.  I'm sure the appt will be pretty quick and routine.  Will update later.

Here's what's going on with my lil peanut this week:

How your baby's growing:

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.