Getting closer and closer to wk 13...the 2nd Trimester! I'm really looking forward to being out of the first trimester, where everything is new, little, fragile, scary, sicky. The 2nd trimester is way more fun, when you can actually
see the evidence of a little person in your belly and eventually
feel them! I've been nauseous now since week 7, which is why I haven't felt up to getting on the computer much. All I want to do right now is lay down and try not to hurl. Hopefully the ickiness will be ending soon, there's so much I want to do and need my energy back to do it. *Update* on the VBAC Dr., met with her yesterday and really liked her, very sweet. She would have been more than willing to let me try for a VBAC had a couple of things gone differently in my previous c/s's. For one, Dr. Keith (my dr. for Joel and Jared) only used 1 row of stitching, when he should've used 2 to help make my uterus stronger for subsequent pregnancies.
Thanks, Dr. Samuels! And second, when I had hemorrhaged after the delivery of Jared, they used clamps on the two main arteries that go to the uterus, which only weakens the uterus further. So, with all that compounded to my case and the higher risk of another hemorrhage, my dream of a natural birth does not appear will become a reality. :-( I am disappointed, but at peace. My life and my faith is in the Father's Hands, I know He knows what's best for me. And really, as long as me and baby come out of this perfectly fine and healthy than that's all I could ask for.
On a happier note, only 10 more days till I get to sneak another peek into my womb and see my honeybun! I purchased a fetal Doppler online, but at only 9 wks I haven't been able to pick up a heartbeat yet, but that's okay it's still really early. They really don't even recommend trying until 10-12wks. But, I'll keep trying. Still feeling pretty bloated in the abdomen area, but don't really see that I"m showing yet. Ugh...gotta go lay down now. :-)